How to Use the V2RayZ Client Software or Application?

Mainstream V2ray Softwares and Apps

Althogh v2ray doesn't have the concept of server and client, but in order to use v2rayz service, the below softwares or apps are recommanded.



Shadowrocket is a popular proxy app in iOS because it is easy to use. But it can’t be downloaded from a Mainland China Apple ID. You can buy one from Taobao or some third-party services like ididhub.

Add a subscription
  1. Open the app and at the home panel, click the “+” sign, choose “Subscribe”.
  2. Paste the Subscription Link to "URL" field, and then hit "Done".
Add a single VMESS
  1. Open the app and at the home panel, click the “scan” button.
  2. In your V2RayZ package page, scroll down a little bit, choose a node that you want to add, and then click “Show QRcode”.
  3. Scan it with your shadowrocket camera. The node you added will send to “Local Servers” group in shadowrocket.
Setting up Configuration Files (optional)

Note: this setting will affect some domestic app like Wechat, if you choose our setting, it will save your bandwidth and speed. Of course you could custom by your own wish. The setting is deciding which ips or domains are to ues v2rayz bandwidth. We suggest you to download and back up the config file to iCloud which we have prepared. If you don’t configure well, you may experience slow speed. But anyways, the default setting is Okey to use.Config File

In iOS, you can also use other software such as QuantumultX, 91VPN (free download for US ID, but not easy to use) to add nodes, and software such as Clash may need to convert the subscription connection. Before using Clash, you may consider converting the subscription link in the Internet, because the Clash does not support the link directly.



Update subscription
  1. Click three dots and enter"Subscription Settings", and click the "+" button
  2. Fill in remark field, paste the Subscription Link from your clibboard
  3. Tick in the upper right corner and confirmed
  4. Click three dots in the upper right corner of the main program - click "Update Subscription"

同樣地,此設置會影響一些國內應用程式,如微信,如果您選擇我們的設置,它將節省您的帶寬並提高速度,當然您可以根據自己的需求自定義設置,這個設置決定了哪些 IP 或域名使用 V2RayZ 的帶寬,我們建議您下載並備份配置文件到我們已經為您準備好的雲盤,如果配置不當,您可能會遇到速度變慢的情況,但默認設置是可以正常使用的。


  • The Windows system needs to update .Net Frameworks 4.8 or above, otherwise it will be stuck there and the subscription cannot accept subscription information.


Download from V2RayZ
Download from Github
  1. Unzip the file, and open v2rayN.exe.
  2. Click “subscribe” and “subscription settings”.
  3. Remarks means how you name the subscription, leave it or change it. Paste your Subscription Link to the "url" field and click "done".
  4. Click "update subscription", all nodes will list in the interface.
  5. At the lower right corner, the little icon, choose "system proxy", choose "auto". Make the "router settings" to "Whitelist" or "Global", or you could just customize it if you understand what it means.



Download from V2RayZ
Download from Github

For Mac computer V2RayU Click "Subscription Settings" - Paste the subscription link to the "Address" field and fill in the remarks - Click "Update" Select Server-Turn v2ray-core-on-select "Global Mode".

The V2RayZ is now holding 55 combination of lines for you to use. Currently quarterly users can get CN2 backbone lines, annually users can get all lines including dedicated enterprise lines.

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